Blind Cave Tetra


A Fish With No Eyes!

The Blind Cave Tetra is another strange fish available to New Zealand Aquarium owners......

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  Fish Profile:

Scientific Name: Astyanax Mexicanus

Common Names: Blind Cave Tetra, Blind Cavefish, Mexican Tetra, Blind Cave Characin

Family: Characidae

Potential Size: Up to 9cm

Distribution: Mexico, Texas, Central America

Temperature Range: A wide range is acceptable, anywhere from 15-30deg.C somewhere around the 25deg.C mark is preferred

Behavior: Blind Cave Tetras like most tetras do best in groups of more than six fish. They are a peaceful shoaling species that are also very active.

Due to the Blind Cave Tetras tendancy to nibble on some plants, the selection of plants needs to be taken into consideration before purchasing either the fish, or plants.

In some cases the Blind Cave Tetras will be harrassed by aggressive tankmates, but will feel a sense of security if kept in larger groups

Diet: Blind Cave Tetras will accept all types of food, however vegetable matter is a key ingredient for these fish

Suggested Aquarium Setup: These fish can be kept in a well lit aquarium. Water chemistry is not a critical factor, however the water quality as for most fish must be of a good quality.

Difficulty: Blind Cave Tetras are probably one of the easiest 'oddball' fish to keep, and can be kept by fishkeepers of all levels.

Special Needs: No special needs are required

Approximate Price To Buy: Prices will always vary depending on availability, but somewhere around the (NZ$) $5.00 - $9.00 mark would be normal.


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