Fish Profile:
Scientific Name: Carinotetraodon Travancoricus Common Names: Dwarf Puffer, Malabar Puffer
Family: Tetraodontidae
Potential Size: Up to 3.5cm
Distribution: India
Temperature Range: 22-28 deg.C
Behavior: Dwarf Puffers can be classed as somewhat comical in thier behaviour, hovering around the tank like tiny helicopters. Thier relatively large bulging eyes can move independantly making them look like something out of a TV cartoon series.
Dwarf Puffers are generally always on the move darting,or hovering around the tank. The one downside to Puffers (of any sort) are that they are known as fin-nippers, and will if given the chance shred the fins off any type of tankmate.
Feeding Puffers can be very entertaining, drop a few bloodworms in the tank and just watch them slurp them up like a big long noodle!
Diet: Dwarf Puffers like livefoods, but will accept frozen and freeze-dried foods (Bloodworms, Brine shrimp etc.) It is very rare for them to accept flake/dired food of any description
Suggested Aquarium Setup: Dwarf Puffers are a full freshwater puffer, and are best kept is a single species tank, due to their fin-nipping behaviour.
Difficulty: Not recommended for beginners, mostly due to the type of foods required.
Special Needs: Food type (see diet)
Approximate Price To Buy: Prices will always vary depending on availablility, but somewhere around the (NZ$) $9.00 - $20.00 mark would be normal.