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Strangely Bizzare!

The Elephantnose is one of the weirder fish available to New Zealand Aquarium owners......

Gnathonemus Petersi...

Got a picture of an Elephantnose, submit it for display!

  Fish Profile:

Scientific Name: Gnathonemus petersii

Common Names: Elephantnose, Peter's Elephantnose

Family: Mormyridae

Potential Size: Up to 25cm, but usually smaller

Distribution: Central and West Africa

Temperature Range: 22-28 deg.C

Behavior: Somewhat shy when first added to the aquarium, However will eventually become active, and almost playful after getting used to the surroundings.

Elephantnoses are essentially a bottomdwelling fish, using their long trunk-like nose to 'dig' around in the gravel looking for morsels of food.

Diet: Elephantnoses especially like livefoods, but will accept frozen and freeze-dried foods (Bloodworms, Brine shrimp etc.) They may accept some flake-type foods as well. Food needs to be of a small size due to the Elephantnose's small mouth.

Suggested Aquarium Setup: Elephantnoses require a spacious, and well filtered aquarium. They also require a fine substratum that they can rummage through with their nose to find morsels of food.

Difficulty: Not recommended for beginners, mostly due to the type of foods required.

Special Needs: Food type (see diet), a 'moonlight' flourescent tube is reccomended for night-time viewing, but is not essential.

Approximate Price To Buy: Prices will always vary depending on availablility, but somewhere around the $45-$55 mark would be normal.


Fish description......

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Fishkeepers advice/info

* I have noticed that my Elephantnose sometimes picks small tufts of algae off plant leaves etc. However I have never witnessed any plant eating......


Image to come....

Got a picture of an Elephantnose, submit it for display!